Well, if singing cockroaches and an endless stream of toilet humor is your thing, you might enjoy the film...
3 June 2005
... of course, that might also mean you need extensive therapy. At least if you're over the age of seven. This film is an odd one. It's about a guy who moves into an apartment dominated by thousands upon thousands of cockroaches. I checked the director's entire filmography, and it seems like everything he does involves cockroaches... no, revolves around them. I'm guessing he's either fascinated by them or infatuated with them. I'm not sure which I find more disturbing. I wager he's got some counseling in his future... or maybe he's just a very large child, passing for an adult. That is the only group of people this... 'film' could possibly appeal to. The plot is stupid and completely predictable, not to mention formulaic in every sense of the word. Absolutely no originality whatsoever. The pacing is surprisingly poor, for such a short film. The acting is sub-par. The writing is horrid. The songs sung by the cockroaches... don't get me started. The rest of the soundtrack just seems out of place. I know this was produced by MTV, but even for them, this is a new low. But apart from every negative I've written in this review, I must admit that I followed this film from the very beginning pretty much to the very end... something I rarely do anymore, except for when I'm at the cinema. Despite how much I hated it, I never took my eyes off it. Of course, this was probably just because this was aired during a violent lightning storm, and I was afraid if I turned on my computer before it was over, it might attract a bolt of lightning. Of course, if you need to believe otherwise... then go right ahead. I recommend this to children and people who enjoy childish humor. To give a quick example of said "humor"; one scene has the main character running around town, collecting feces from various animals. Yes, seriously. The film is incredibly poorly done, and very amateurish in just about every aspect, but I suppose the kids won't mind. Personally, I'd choose a cartoon over this any day... but different strokes for different blokes. 1/10
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