ROCK ON, Mr Jackson!
5 June 2005
There have been enough synopses on the plot of this film so I won't go there but I feel compelled to comment on Peter's directional ability and overall film-making skill. This guy could make an Oscar winner with an 8MM camera and a cassette recorder! Jackson, Selkirk and Walsh have outdone the "best" that Hollywood could possibly put out, even if they did have to lame down a story that probably could have been as intense as Brain Dead as far as in-your-face jolts! The SFX, though a bit dated-looking are perfect for the film, and the casting director should have gotten an Oscar for a really great ensemble. The chemistry between all the characters was utterly believable- and very special mention should go to Jeff Combs (The Re-animator series, Castle Freak, Necronomicon, From Beyond...as well as 2 characters in ST-DS9- Weyoun and the Ferengi Brunt...AND in ST Enterprise as the Andorian Shrel) for the funniest FBI agent in film history. Just as in Brain Dead, there are points where Jackson seems to be trying to make you laugh and puke at the same time, but even with the iron hand of American exec. producer Zemeckis (Back To The Future, Contact) holding Jackson's truly demented creativity down to a Hollywood trash heap level, Jackson's sheer genius still shines thru the dreck. The script alone was enough to make this one of the best films of the 90s... and maybe one of the best horror films of all time. (George Lucas, are you reading this??) Another thing I really liked was the casting of mature actors, not a bunch of brain dead teens (pun intended) that seem to populate 99.99999% of all the other so-called horror films that are being churned out of the Hollywood fertilizer factory these days. I love horror films even though I am usually bitterly disappointed in those I see. The Frighteners is a really refreshing change and I fervently hope that Jackson and his wonderful creative group have not abandoned the Horror genre. This is a must-have for any horror (or Peter Jackson) fan's permanent collection.

Oh, I didn't mention Michael J Fox in the lead....NO ONE ELSE could have done this role' with as much flair, charm or energy as good ole Mike.

Funniest sequence in the whole film was the restaurant scene- that alone is worth the DVD's price!

C'moon Mr Jackson... Give us another one but leave Hollywood out of it and do it in New Zealand! We're all waiting!

May WingNut films live forever!
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