Hard To Swallow, but Easy Once It Goes Down
15 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
In the eighth grade, (which was this past year for me), we take a field trip to Gettysburg, and before we do... we have to watch the Blue and Gray. Now, don't get me wrong- at the very beginning--- I was bored out of my mind- but after I got into it--- I loved it! I loved it so much I even stayed in the Histry Room during my free period to watch the end ahead of the class. I am good in history, and this movie was truly exceptional. At times, I thought of closing my eyes, and at other times- I could hardly stay on my seat. This movie made me think of how lucky I am to live in a world of freedom, and without the conditions like they had in those days.


Just a bit of a warning... some parts in this movie are not for the weak at heart... or stomach for that matter. Two scenes in particular I found hard to swallow were The branding scene and the scene where Jonas and Malachai discover Mooney murdered, and staked to a tree...

Although the hard scenes, and length of the movie- I still loved it and would recommend it to anyone!
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