It's Not All That
13 July 2005
If you've seen "Kill Bill Vol 1" then you could see how many elements from this movie Quentin Tarantino has plagiarized, um, I mean paid homage to in KBv1. At the time of its release in 1973, this movie was probably ahead of its time. However, seeing it today, 30 odd years later, its impact is significantly lessened. I guess I'm either spoiled or numbed by the action set pieces that have come since that time; the action set pieces in this movie are all too brief and simple to illicit much excitement. The villains are too easily dispatched of. The second revenge set piece is similar to the finale of KBv1 but on a much smaller scale, shorter, not as intricately choreographed, and not as viscerally cathartic. On a humorous side note, I kept thinking during the movie that those kimonos the women wore were just too restrictive for them to run fast and free, how in the hell could they fight! Many people are unnerved by the amount of blood splashed around but I thought it was extremely funny and not at all bothersome. I mean how could you not laugh when blood gushed out like geyser or a punctured water balloon. I also like the political subtext (intended or not by the filmmaker, I don't know) in the movie. One can understand and appreciate the movie better to know a little of the political history of Japan at the time the story takes place and the DVD extras nicely include 16 screens of history lesson for your reference. All in all, for fans of female empowered action movies, this is probably one of finest early efforts. Worth watching but just don't expect too much.
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