Review of Equilibrium

Equilibrium (2002)
Surprisingly Good!
20 July 2005
I watched this movie late one night on one of the Encore channels. Stayed up past my bedtime I did. Then I recorded it the next time it was on. Watched it two more times and then, AND THEN, bought the DVD and watched it a couple if not three more times. First, I rarely will watch a movie twice unless enough time has passed that I have forgotten how it ends. There are just too many movies out there and not enough time. But this movie deserved the time. I loved the fight scenes, loved the premise of the movie, loved the acting (and seeing Christian Bale shirtless). Emily Watson is an amazing actress. It's rare these days to see an action/SciFi with actual plot and dialog. How can I care about a movie if I don't care about the characters? Anyway, watch it. I've lent the movie to about 5 guys and they all liked it. One guy is into the Martial Arts and he thought the fight scenes were awesome (my word -- his word/s was/were "the fight scenes were well choreographed").

Moral of the story is: watch it, you won't be disappointed. Oh, and I said "Surprisingly Good" because I had never heard of the movie and was expecting some B movie crap -- what can I say, I couldn't sleep.
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