A vital, visceral flick
21 July 2005
I liked this movie a lot, despite a couple of violent scenes. I've been involved with music, and women making music, for a long long time, and this film rings true to everything I've experienced. Gina Gershon and Drea DeMatteo are terrific -- good casting job all around (although Lori Petty comes off more like folksinger Jill Sobule than a punk guitar goddess). Not sure whether Gina sings the songs or if they're dubbed (I suspect the latter), but she's got great rock star moves and is even believable as a tattoo artist. Drea is dead on as a party-hearty rock chick guarding her vulnerable side. And, oh, yeah, they're also kind of hot. There are a lot of DIY-type full-length songs, most of which are enjoyable, if not quite ready for prime time. If you've ever grooved to Joan Jett's "I Love Rock and Roll" -- you'll appreciate this movie.
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