Fantastic Four (I) (2005)
Things I would've done differently
22 July 2005
...or at least liked to have seen in the movie

I thought the FF movie was a bit to slow for a comic to film adaptation. Instead of all the endless chatting about pitying regarding The Thing, watching Reed & Sue fumble thru a relationship & seeing Johnny trying to be a big stud. They could've picked up the pace & at the same time keep the story they wanted in tact.

Things should've been more on-the-fly, instead of this endless slow pacing there should've been sequences of them being forced into their superhero roles against low end super powered villains & your common thug. I wouldn't have them attack these situations as a team, mostly as individuals & maybe the occasional duo, fumbling their way into saving the day and learning their powers at the same time.

With this pacing, things wouldn't have gotten so boring for me, Johnny would've learned how fly way ahead of the game & instead of making his ability to fly an (un)exciting moment at the end of the movie they could've instead chose to make it his ability to control what part of him burst into flames (i.e.: saving some hot chick from a deadly fall by shutting off the flames around his arms and catching her) Sue & Reed could've fallen in love when Sue noticed that Reed is a man of action in the heat of an intense situation, instead of the generic walks on the park and discussion of problems.

As for Ben Grimm, it would've just been cool as f/ck to see him get into a super-powered bar room brawl on Clancy Street.

The ending would've pretty much gone the same way, they join together as a team and fight doom, but it would've been a lot more interesting, and the battle would be more complex rather than each doing 1 single power ranger move. It would've been heavier attacks by both Doom & the team with a much more climatic ending.
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