Much better than I expected
1 August 2005
This film (okay, the Director's Cut on DVD) was much better than I expected. Of course, this is by now becoming a typical reaction for me to Twohy's films. In any case, this is a space opera that, unlike the Star Wars prequels, doesn't resort to spoon-feeding every little plot detail to the audience. Instead, viewers are expected to fill in some of the gaps for themselves, and while this tactic may leave some viewers behind, it makes the film much more engaging for those of us who make the effort. What exactly are the powers of the elemental Aereon? Why are the Necromongers so keen on decorating everything with scowling human faces? What is "conversion" really? What the heck is the underverse? You get the distinct impression that there are actually answers to many of these questions, and that just makes the movie's universe seem that much more rich and real. It's the same trick used in the best science fiction and fantasy novels and it's a rare treat to see it deployed so ably in a film from a major Hollywood studio. Okay, there are still plenty of things in it that don't really make much sense to me, but Twohy had earned the benefit of the doubt by not treating me like a drooling moron, so I went along for the ride.

There are some damn fine actors backing up Vin Diesel, and while Diesel isn't quite the actor some of them are, he mostly doesn't embarrass himself. In addition, there are some amazing special effects, a number of visually striking sets, and some great action sequences. And speaking of eye candy, how about that Thandie Newton, hm? And for once, the hot chick was given things to say that weren't completely stupid. The only thing I found a bit distracting is that Colm Feore, who plays the main villain, sounds a little like the guy who does the Visa commercials when he declaims some of his lines. I kept expecting him to add "It's everywhere you want to be!" (For all I know, Feore might actually do those spots, though a Google search didn't implicate him.)

Anyway... this was one of the few sci-fi flicks I've seen recently that actually engaged my imagination and didn't insult my intelligence. Kudos to writer/director David Twohy and the cast, who is clearly a big science fiction nerd. Is there actually going to be a sequel? If so, I'll probably go see it on the big screen.
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