Review of Submerged

Submerged (2005 Video)
Seagal's Worst-Submerged Sinks Hard but forgive him!!
23 August 2005
Hello Everyone:

I have just rented and watched Steven Seagal's latest film entitled," Submerged." To tell you the truth Steven Seagal is not only the reason why this movie is so poor. To start with you have poor lightening as many, and I mean many of the scene's were shot way too dark, and even at times you really can not tell what is going on cinematically. Onward now we get to the director, as Hickox did a lousy job with this movie as I do give him respect for trying to attempt to entertain us with all of his directing tricks to keep us, the audience riveted, but it truly did not work.

Now in getting to the script, as it appeared to me that very little care went into this portion of the film. A total bust as far as I am concerned. The producing was terrible as well.

I have a question with this particular film. Why is Steven Seagal's vocal parts being dubbed? He was not overdubbed for a minute or two as in the case with his last five film's, but throughout more than half the film and that is way too much. It really seemed as if nobody gave a damn with this flick as the disappointment just sets in and sinks really hard!!

I know for a fact that Seagal's film," Ticker," was done rather quickly but ended up a good solid feature, which by the way starred not only Steven Seagal, but veteran actor Mr.Dennis Hopper and Mr.Tom Sizemore who did a great job, as these are clearly experienced actor's who know just what to do with a little bit and turn out a fine movie.

And finally let us get to the acting..... ah yes the acting. While I was watching this monstrosity I quickly learned that I really could not care about any of the actor's that appeared on the screen as they really could not hold my attention at all. Clearly these are all in-experienced actor's who need to get back to the basic's in their craft if they really want to go anywhere.

To sum it up, " Submerged," is a poor film as it clearly is Steven Seagal's worst to date. Even with the straight to DVD release's such as, " The Foreigner," " " Out For A Kill," " Belly Of The Beast," " Out Of Reach," and one of Seagal's finest movies that should have had a theatrical release here in the United States, " Into The Sun," (no overdub's with Seagal's voice as far as I could tell) were all great and very enjoyable in their own personal way. I own all of Steven Seagal's film's, yes, some of them are better than other's, but this film will not see a space on my DVD rack. Forget this one.

To close this commentary out, Steven Seagal is truly my all time favorite action hero as he alway's will be. I have a lot of respect for him and I alway's have enjoyed his film's whether or not they ended up on the big screen in recent year's. Nobody can compare to Seagal as he is in a class all by himself. Remember fan's, we all get older too each and every day so give Steven Seagal the respect he deserve's. Every action hero is entitled to a dud so let us just forget about " Submerged," and make like it was never made.

Now I am looking forward to September 2005's release of " Today You Die," and the December 2005 release of," Black Dawn." These two are expected to be much better films, more like his last grouping of movies. ( As of February 1st,2006- " Black Dawn," was a great Spy/Drama/Action film. Seagal had very little action sequences in the release, but the story was quite interesting. There were also very little to no dubbing on Seagal's voice. Check it out.)


Nicky Tuzio

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