Review of Red Eye

Red Eye (2005)
Smart movies that make dumb/stupid mistakes
25 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I was really enjoying the hell outta this film until the last act. It's smart, its well cast and it doesn't take the audience's intelligence for granted. I was really starting to think this was going to be another one of those films like OUT OF SIGHT that should have been reaching a bigger audience but was mis-marketed some how (in RED EYE's case, by not stressing that is more of an old fashioned thriller and emphasizing Wes Craven's involvement too much). I liked that the two antagonists seemed to be resourceful opponents and the heroine wasn't going to win because of some stupid mistake but was going to have to find something to take advantage of to prevail.

Then, the filmmakers fumbled yards from the end zone. {SPOILER} After showing Lisa unable to make a call because of "no signal" in the terminal, when she jumps onto the tram which travels ABOVE GROUND IN THE OPEN why for the love of God doesn't she try to call?!!!!!!! It makes no sense whatso-freaking-ever. She had all the time in the world waiting for the tram to reach the main airport. Instead she waits until after she reaches the terminal, runs through and steals a SUV to try to call again.

The most obvious answer must be that something got changed or taken out, otherwise it's unforgivably dumb. They should have at least showed a close-up of her trying again and getting the no signal message. It would have been implausible, but better than nothing. Are we to assume she got caught up in conversation and forgot until the tram reached the terminal, then it was "Oh, darn - I forgot to try to save the Director's life and that of my father. It must be Monday, I could never get the hang of Mondays..."
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