How to fix the two Doves.
27 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
First, I have no idea what is a spoiler for a canceled TV series that has fan-fic, an episode guide and is available on DVD, but for the sake of those who haven't seen the First Season all the way through, I will try to avoid mentioning the MAJOR EVENT IN THE LAST EPISODE. Also, I know that this comment is pointless, the show is over, but I make it for the benefit of future Westerns (no, not 'Firefly'). Lonesome Dove was changed into Outlaw Years because of low ratings caused by being too rough for the 'Little House on the Prairie' crowd, and too gentle for the contemporary taste in filmed Westerns. So they dirtied up the town, darkened the tone and lost all the viewers. The 'violence' crowd didn't give it a second chance and the fans of young love were horrified. Either approach would have worked with a little tweaking but I think the flip-flop did it in. The show should have started with the two protagonists riding into town. Young eager undomesticated Newt, hardened, power-hungry Mosby. The series then proceeds through a blend of darkened season one and Outlaw Years. End of the first season, when everyone is established, Hannah and her father come to town to start a paper. Both men fall in love, the courtship is longer, at least all season, rivalries of the two men mixed with the usual adventures, town-building etc. The idea is that gradually you would see change as the railway comes, the town develops and the men grow and mature. Over time the tone could lighten or you could have the young-love scenes set in a bright lighter-toned contrast to the darker adventures in town.
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