I admire its laid-back attitude - relaxing, casual and kind of funny
7 September 2005
"Too Late with Adam Carolla" is not a hilarious late night talk show. Personally, I'm kind of glad it isn't. The program's laid-back attitude makes it come across as a really casual, fun little TV show. You're awake at 11:30 and can't get to sleep? Watch some Adam Carolla. It won't put you to sleep, but it's a nice un-winder.

Sure, as some of the others have pointed out here on IMDb, Adam's show isn't that funny. It's got a lot of lapses. Sometimes the jokes are downright unfunny and the guest interviews are simply bad. The Ying-Yang Twins episode was a perfect example of poor management - the Ying-Yangs' manager should have made sure they weren't high before they went out there. You can actually see Adam's face contort as the interview goes on and, desperately, he fumbles for something to say or do to save it. The interview isn't funny, isn't insightful, isn't played out well - I didn't even know what was going on.

Adam's still learning the ropes of his show and messes up a bit, most noticeably with the telephone calls. It's obvious the writers have created a catchphrase for him to say every time they "go to the phones" (I forget what the exact words are) and Adam keeps forgetting. He also seems to pause a lot, like he's kind of making stuff up as he goes along. (This is part of what gives it a laid-back aura.) I won't be surprised if this bombs completely and gets canceled. The audience isn't very "into it." The show is quite lazy in its production and feels like it was started by a bunch of drunken pals who decided to air their best buddy and his thoughts on life. But this is part of what I admire about the show. In a time when all late night programs are spit-polished clean and nothing goes wrong, this feels awkward and clumsy - Adam seems like your best friend and that's what resonates more than anything else. I'll keep watching it even if no one else does.
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