American Job (1996)
A masterpiece
16 September 2005
Like many, I discovered this film after enjoying Chris Smith's hit documentary "American Movie", and at first I assumed that this must have been one of his earlier non-fiction efforts, a prequel of sorts.

It was only after several minutes (and some questions about how many cameras they must have had to catch so many different points of view in a sequence of events) that I realized the film was actually a work of fiction, albeit one so true to life that I still couldn't believe these were actors playing roles.

This film is funny and painful and dark and true-- it can also be rough going for some viewers who may find it either too mundane or too close-to-reality. One friend I showed the film to said it was TOO good, and could I please turn it off-- after a day's work in HIS dead-end, minimum wage job, seeing the movie version was simply too heartbreaking to bear.

I can't believe this film isn't available on DVD. I would gladly buy it. It is one of the the unsung independent film triumphs of the past decade, and yet it has been seen by too few people.
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