El Cuerpo del Deseo (2005– )
A Curious and Intriguing Supernatural Tale
28 September 2005
What person over 50 or 60 hasn't fantasized about being young again with all his knowledge intact? EL CUERPO DEL DESEO is about that and more.

Just as LA MUJER EN EL ESPEJO explored issues of beauty, EL CUERPO DEL DESEO explores issues of age, wealth, and power. The wealthy but aged Pedro José Donoso marries a beautiful but greedy young woman who already has a lover on the side. He has dreams about a strong young man performing heavy farm work and every time he wakes from these dreams he feels even more intensely that he has experienced them. He dies suddenly in his study one night, and the young farmer also dies within hours. However, Pedro José's spirit refuses to give up and enters the young farmer's body as it is being carried to the cemetery. When he breaks out of the coffin and is brought to a medical facility no one can explain what happened… and he is more confused than the others. He freaks out the people around him by displaying knowledge and abilities the young farmer never had. He is greatly confused as to what has happened and why. He gradually learns that the reason for this strange phenomenon is to learn the truth about what has been going on under his nose and behind his back. He then has to make a decision about what to do about it all.

The studly Mario Cimarro of PASIÓN DE GAVILANES is more than worthy of this acting challenge as he explores what it is to be what to all intent and purposes is an impostor. The scene in which he strips in front of a mirror and sees his new handsome face and perfect body is priceless; he manages to convey the humor, the irony, and the apprehension all at once. We later see the dark side of his personality as he uncovers the deceptions and hypocrisies around him. The beautiful Lorena Rojas, who also sings the theme song, is flawless as the greedy "widow" Isabella, while Martin Karpan of TE VOY A ENSEÑAR A QUERER is increasingly sinister as her controlling lover.

I'm not going to try to predict where this is going, but the ride is exciting.
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