Yogi's First Christmas (1980 TV Movie)
Loved it want my kids to love it too!
28 September 2005
Watching Yogi bear's first Chirstmas was one of the best Christmas eve traditions when I was a child. The crazy adventures of that crazy bear and all his friends will always be a great and fond memory. It brings back memories of watching it after going to midnight mass with only the lights of the Christmas tree on and the crackling of the wood in the fireplace. And well watching it eating short bread and other cookies we baked for this special time of year. Now that I have three children of my own I would love to be able to find it on DVD. Does anyone know where to get it on DVD? Please email me at charleensouliere@hotmail.com if you have any ideas. Yes it is a children movie but being a child at heart once a year is a good thing to remind us that we all have an inner child that needs to be let know out once in a while. So sit back and let your inner child enjoy one of the classics of the season
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