Mr. Black's Grade: A-
5 October 2005
A History of Violence Mr. Black's Grade: A- Directed by David Cronenberg , and starring: Ed Harris, Maria Bello, Viggo Mortensen, and William Hurt.

Before anything I have to explain... there is some serious crush action at my end for the lovely and talented Maria Bello. There is just something about the lady that I find terribly attractive. This movie is no disappointment there, lets just say: Maria in a cheerleader outfit! Enough ink on my infatuations, time for the film itself.

A History of Violence certainly lives up to its name. It is no Scanners, or anything along those lines, but there are short bursts of intense violence. Viggo Mortensen's character begins the film living an idyllic life in small town USA (maybe a little too tranquil for me). I do not want to go into the plot very much, but let's just say that this peaceful life goes through some serious changes. Maria Bello is great (naturally), Ed Harris is quite menacing and William Hurt has a scene that is quite brilliant. The crowd was clapping and laughing the whole time he was on the screen! It is a 'clean', exceptionally well crafted piece of work. Please remember that this is a David Cronenberg production, so there are a few moments that will certainly shock you. That is OK, go along for the ride - this is a very, very good film.
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