A Kiss So Deadly (1996 TV Movie)
It was just too much for the poor slob to keep in check!
8 October 2005
**SPOILERS** Highly confusing and extremely muddled made for TV suspense/thriller that has two stories that come across as if they were two independent films playing together on the same screen at the same time.

The movie "A Kiss so Deadly"starts off with Catherine Deese, Dedee Pfeiffer, and her collage room-mate Amanda Blake, Charlotte Ross, leaving a party late one night. Walking to Amanda's car their followed by this creepy-looking guy Yule Werb, Scott Simpson. The two girls later realize that their being followed by car and lose Yule in traffic.

As were readying ourselves to see a movie about a crazed stalker on the looses all of a sudden the movie changes course with Catherine's father Tom, Charles Shaughnessy, popping up in her apartment the next day. Tom become smitten with her sexy and experienced room-mate Amanda, the poor man's hooked as soon as he laid eyes on her.

Going to the Marlin Bay Club the next evening with some of his friends Tom spots Amanda there as a waitress and you can see that he's addicted to her and that he'll end up going down the tubes if he continues to try to get it on with Amanda. We have both Tom and the creepy Yule compete to who's the sleaziest one of all in the movie. With Yule slinking around the white sands beach, dressed all in black, and Catherine's apartment watching the girls, Catherine and her two room-mates Amanda and June(Noelle Parker),with binoculars and taking their pictures. At the same time Tom is making a complete fool of himself trying to get into Amanda's, after having a one-night fling with him, pants as well as taking advantage of poor and introverted June; this after Amanda was no longer available to him.

You first get the impression that Yule has something to do with Tom and their acting, secretly, as some kind of tag-team of sleaze-balls and later feel that there's a falling out between the two. With Yule blackmailing Tom since he has the most to loose between the two, his wife Patty, Kerrie Kane, and his textile business.

We also get confused signals to just what happened to Amanda when she's later murdered in her parked car outside the Marlin Bay Club. Since just the scene before she was waiting for a male friend, the bartender and bouncer in the club, to walk her to her car because Yule was there and eying her. You figured that she must have been with the bartender, off camera when she walked to her car? Why then go by herself when Amanda was so terrified to leave the club with Yule snooping around outside?

The movie gets even more confusing when the off-the-wall Yule after threatening Tom, by phone, at the textile factory is later shot to death by the police as they catch him trying to break into the Deese's house. The film tries to put everything together at the end but falls sadly apart with the killer exposing himself with nobody watching really caring who he is by then. The Killer Insainly induces himself to get shot by the cops, suicide by police, as he pulls out what looks like a cap-pistol that he must have gotten as a prize out of a Cracker-Jack box.

"A Kiss so Deadly" is only worth your time watching it because it's just too bad to be true and at the same time too good for bad-movie fans, in a cheesy and unintentionally funny sort of way, to be bad.
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