Pet Sematary (1989)
Could have been SO much better
22 October 2005
As a horror movie fan, I must say that this one just didn't do it for me. Pet Sematary is my single favorite King book with The Shining and Carrie being numbers 2 and 3 respectively, both of which were made into real winners of films, but this one is a steaming pile. The direction was almost as bad as a Ewe Boll film, and it may as well have had a bunch of store mannequin as actors with the exception of Fred Gwynne as Jud Crandall-the ONLY redeeming part of this film. Preposterously stilted dialog (written by King himself!) delivered in a totally unbelievable and stilted way by the worst cast in film history, directed by Mary Lambert who must have been using a baseball bat on the "actors" makes this a really painful experience. If you have read the book, STEER CLEAR of this film- you'll probably curse King, Lambert and yourself for being led by the nose into this real bomb. I have an idea. Let Lambert and Boll work together on a new film. At least it will give us something to write about here in the IMDb comment boards. Actually, I have another idea. This film should be shown to film making students in a class titled "DON'T DO IT THIS WAY!" Utter Garbage. If King were dead, he'd probably rise up just to burn this drek.
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