Shania a life in eight albums
10 November 2005
Shania Twain a life in eight albums is a film that takes die hard Shania Twain fans on a journey to discover the early life of one of the worlds most popular female powerhouse singers in country music history.

I loved the movie from the get go! I thought it was entertaining and it gives us all an eye opener as to how she grew up in her humble beginnings in Timmins Ontario Canada when she was known only as Eileen Twain.

It gave us a taste of her being taught the Ojibwe way by her step grandfather, her relationship with her parents and siblings down to her struggles to make it as a singer.

It shows the viewer what her pushy mother was like although she was encouraging Eileen to pursue a career in music and her step fathers loving and caring nature towards her and her sisters.

The tragic death of her parents and the hard ships that Shania went through to make it in the music business is what interested me the most in this film. Shenae Grimes and Meredith Henderson give outstanding performances as Shania. I was blown away with the acting ability of those two girls,the true portrayal of Shania down to her mannerisms was eerie.

In one scene where Meredith was playing Shania during a press conference talking I was stunned when she did that familiar head turn and the tone of her voice that she used.

If I had closed my eyes at that precise moment I would have sworn it was Shania herself speaking.

Being a fan of hers I have to say that it was awesome to see her early life depicted, although it would have been great to see the sky rocketing success she made of her career be depicted as well.

Aside from that I came away from the film being proud of being an Ontario Canada fan of hers,her grit and her steely determination to make it in the music business as well as her amazing voice are what makes me be a fan of hers for life.


SHARON TWAIN : "Your going to be a big star Leenie!Because of your voice! Because of the way you sing!All we need is the one break! One break for everyone else to figure it out!"

Eileen : " Excuse me! You have to let me off!I'm going the wrong way!"

Conductor : " I beg your pardon!I can't let you off!"

Eileen (pointing at the conductor in anger): " No! No! No! You need to stop this train and let me off!"

Conductor : " Young lady you'll have to get back in your seat!"

Eileen: " I'm supposed to make it to Toronto to do a TV show and I'm not gonna miss it because your afraid you'll get into trouble!"

Conductor : " Young lady! We don't stop this train!"

Eileen:"I'm not going to be cold and I'm not afraid of the wilderness!"

Conductor: "Young lady no matter what age you are! I just!"

Eileen(raising her voice and showing the conductor her outfit): "My mother sold her ticket to buy me this outfit!And when she finds out that she wasted her ticket and that you didn't stop this train and you didn't let me off! And I miss that TV show ! She's going to kill me and then she's going to come looking for you!"

Eileen singing into microphone " I've got to practice my technique!"

Sharon : " Give me the car keys!"

Jerry: " Why you'll be back in two hours?"

Jerry : " My good shirt! I'm going to need it when I meet with those pale face bean towner's!"

Eileen ( looking up from her sewing his shirt): " Relax Tonto! I'll finish it!"

Sharon: " People come into your life for a reason Leenie and they need a nudge to know the reason!" Eileen: " Yea a nudge not a push!"

Eileen yelling at two girls who were gossiping about her : " For your information its not as bad as your hair cut!To tell you the truth I'm not screwing Katowski I used to screw Bell! And seriously you should try it! I'd like to see how far it gets you!"

Eileen: " Shania! What band are you?" Seamstress : " Anishnaabe/Ojibwe!" Eileen: " Yea me too! Well my dad!" Eileen " What does Shania mean?" Seamstress: "I think it means on my way!"
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