Enjoyable movie for the drug-empire-movie lovers!
11 November 2005
The reason people would watch this DVD would be either they saw the original, saw Sean Combs' name on the box, or they love the movies in this genre. I would classify myself as between option 2 and 3. I love drug-empire movies, and I enjoy to see a pop-star appearing in a movie now and then. This movie enjoyed me all the way, it had various elements which are important for this type, going all the way from loyalty via girls and action back to setting up your empire. Modern version of Scarface, but then without all the messed up characters going mental. The movie actually had some kind of plot and actors used their brains in the end, instead of their balls. Obviously, business goes before pleasure, but smoking some traitors now and then didn't harm anyone there. The movie is enjoyable for those who like the drug-empire type of movies. I enjoyed it a lot and ended up with a good satisfied feeling. Sean's role wasn't that big, but he sure acted with class and style, close to a PIMP, but a pure business man. Enjoy this movie as a 'standalone', drop all reviews and things you heard about the movie, and go watch Harlem getting 3 new bad-boys in town! I would rate it 7/10, its no classic movie like scarface or the godfather trilogy, but its sure one you want to check out.
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