Review of "A Halfway House Christmas"
10 December 2005
A Halfway House Christmas Is Christmas Fun? Yes! Are recovering addicts Fun. Sometimes! Is Reality TV Fun! Not really, but can be! Mix all three together and it works as a parody. "A Halfway House Chrismas" is a homegrown comedy from Eric Moyer, writer/director that is like watching home movies with @ssh@le relatives and drunken friends. The morning after is the worst part of a good party, and "AHHC" is a sobering look at real togetherness. A rocker (Rod Sellers), a child star cokewh@re (Marisa Kettering), a human weedbag with a beard (Brian Walsh), a hooker (Kelly Kunick) and a young junkie (Charles Moffit) and a cat name Wreather share the love.

The cast of likable locals and a seasoned veteran actor like Robert Romanus (Fast Times at Ridgemont High's wheeler dealer Mike Damone) as the father figure to a batch of losers ready to improve their lives. The real test is having the halfway house as part of a TV series produced by a sh*theal producer named Brett (Allentown DJ, Chris Lane is very smarmy). The middle-aged Daryl (Romanus is very well cast) sees that it's going to be a bad idea from the start. Brett sends in some drug dealers (Jackass stars Ryan Dunn and Rakeyon) to sprinke the house with smack-weed-beer-and coke like demented elves. An OD, a 'feelgood' gay motivator, and a visit from a local pimp dressed like Santa sends the housemates over the edge.

The wrap-up is very moving and pure Christmas cheer with a big party, great tunes and revenge on asshead Brett. Mostly shot in Montgomery County (Comar PA, Hatfield, Souderdon), Moyer and producer Frank Carney add a great soundtrack and narrated by Bobcat Goathwait, 'Halfway House' is a good visit. Sequel Allert!!!!! Merry F*ck!n Christmas!
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