50 Cent: Bulletproof (2005 Video Game)
50 Cent: Bulletproof
12 December 2005
This game is the stuff. The graphics are the best graphics i seen for Playstation 2 so far. The music is the best, but they are missing some good songs like Gatman and Robin by 50 Cent feat. Eminem. That would be a good song to play because it goes with the game perfect. You can team up with Eminem, aka Mc Vicar, and you go around watching each others back while shooting people. The story is kind of stupid, but the game its self is cool. Plus the camera angels is confusing. It is sort of opposite. You want to look up you have to move the left analog stick down. It is hard at first, but easy when you get used to it. This game is almost like Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, but the graphics are better, and the missions are longer and more fun. The game is easy to beat if you know what your doing. I beat it twice and i got it the day it came out. Once on Easy, and once on G-Unit Soldier, aka Hardest difficulty. All I can say is this is one of the best games i ever played when it comes to guns, violence, and gangs. If you liked any of the Grand Theft Auto games, any music by G-Unit, Aftermath Records or Shady Records, you have to get this game, and if you don't may god be with you.
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