D.C. Cab (1983)
Even as a fan of Mr. T, I couldn't swallow this swill
20 December 2005
Quick name a good movie Bill Maher was ever in? OK, that's too lenient..name one even tolerable film that he's been in.. yeah neither can I. Thankfully, he's regulated to the back-burner of this movie, but sadly the same thing can be said of the only two reasons you'd ever watch this film: Mr. T and Gary Busey, both of which are criminally under used in lue of a tired, episodic, dull, and deadly unfunny tale of Albert (Adam Baldwin), coming to Washington to achieve his dream of working in the Taxi business. He hooks up with his father's Vietnam buddy whom owns a cab company that's in constant danger of bankruptcy."Hilarious Hijynks" (which are rarely even remotely funny) ensue. Joel Schumacher once again proves that it's not what you know in Hollywood, but who you go down on.

Eye Candy: Moriah Shannon shows everything as a stripper Busey gives a cab ride to early in the picture; some extras get topless as well

My Grade: D
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