50 Cent: Bulletproof (2005 Video Game)
Appalling in every way!
5 January 2006
This is pretty much the worst and most over-hyped game of 2005 and made a lot of 'bottom 10' lists in many magazines last month. And it bloody deserves it.

The problems with this game begin before you even lift it off the shelf in the store. I mean take a look at the cover. It's 50 Cent, one of the few African American 'role models' around these days, in a defencive pose with a stereotypical 'angry black guy' look on his face (oh, please don't hurt me Mr. Cent!).

Now I am not a fuddy-duddy conservative who blames people like Marilyn Manson for corrupting kids or whatever because I know kids are more intelligent than adults give them credit for. But America is a very racist country and when 50 Cent misrepresents the Black Community and backs up the xenophobic myth that all Black people are evil or killers or gang-bangers in some way I can't help but get very annoyed.

Second of all is the fact that this drivel game is no more than a laughable male fantasy. Yes, I know Mr. Cent has been shot 9 times but it was all at once with low calibre bullets. It's not as if he goes out and gets shot at every day and is immune to all lead fired in the direction of his person. I know 50 Cent has had a really, REALLY, RE-EALLY tough life, that I would not wish upon anyone. But when violence and death have haunted you your whole life the LAST thing you should do is capitalise on a game that glorifies gun-play and gang warfare. That's just disgusting and perverse and if Mr. Cent truly 'kept it real' (what a ridiculous, meaningless phrase) he would treat his demons with respect. Using music as a way of working through them is fine but starring in a video game where the main enjoyment comes from blowing people away certainly is NOT. As I have said, there are few African American role models and he should set an example to those following behind him. While his innovative music may have made him a huge success this game smashes any credibility I feel he may have had.

Third? Well the story to the game is childish and stupid anyway. It's not even entertaining accidentally as it's just way too dull.

And fourth? Well don't get me started on the horrible targeting system and awful controls. It'll make you want to smash your control pad into your TV screen. What a horribly cheaply programmed game!

Fifth? Well, that would have to be the bland, graphics and tedious environments. It all adds up to a pretty (read VERY) unsatisfying experience. Mere days after being released most stores had zillions of copies traded in as those foolish enough to buy it blind quickly discovered what a rotten game it is as well as a hideously over-indulgent and grossly misjudged vanity piece. BEWARE!!!

Graphics C Sound B- Gameplay D- Lasting Appeal D
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