Review of Ikiru

Ikiru (1952)
How shall we than live?
8 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I suppose it isn't truly a spoiler to say the main character, Watanabe, dies of cancer at the end of the film. For most directors, this probably would have been a overly sentimental death drama. Kurosawa is far to talented and sophisticated for such triteness. This is a rich, meaningful, touching story of a man's attempt to live. The themes of this film are so universal, we can access it even 50 years after its release. Several good films have been made along similar themes. "Wild Strawberries" is one of the best. I have not seen "Umberto D.", but I understand it is very similar. Bergman and Kirusawa are very similar filmmakers. Bergman seems to me to be more metaphorical and Kirusawa is more aesthetic. They are both superb writers/directors. "Ikiru" is a heavy layered film. After listening to the commentary on the Criterion Edition, you learn that this film makes many significant social comments on Japanese life. At the same time, as I said earlier, the emotions and themes of this film are ubiquitous. You don't have to possess a knowledge of 1950s Japanese politics to understand it. You simply have to be human and possess a desire to live a meaningful life. There are many images from the film that linger with you. Kirusawa, like Bergman and Hitchcock, was so good a composition. His films are so visually active that you can know everything you need to know without the dialogue. However, the dialogue is simple and very effective. The characters talk the way normal people talk, yet the say things normal people don't say. That to me is great dialogue. I was disappointed in the film stock from which the DVD came. It was not in good condition. That is a real shame. I am not sure why that is. Criterion does great work with the classics. They must not have been able to obtain anywhere near pristine stock. This is such a beautiful film. It would great to see it from the original negatives.
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