Thought Former Pres. Bill Clinton was in this Film
16 January 2006
While viewing this very interesting film, I thought that actor Rutger Hauer, (Gene Reardon),"Sin City",'05, looked just like President Bill Clinton at times through out the film. Getting back to the film, it starts out with a mail truck making deliveries, a car being stalled on a bridge and a person driving an old car into a garage. It is at this point in the picture when you should be able to determine who the killer is, but I bet you don't. Gene Reardon is a detective with a past that seems to haunt him and he meets up with his ex-wife, Paulina Ponizkova,(Wallis P. Longsworth),"Knots",'04, who is an FBI Agent and very attractive. Gene Reardon was married again and has a cute and smart thirteen year old who adds greatly to this murder mystery. It is rather slow and at times it seems as if the actors had trouble trying to remember their lines or the film was just plain slow and boring.
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