One level above the 7th layer of Hell!
16 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Deathstalker and the Warrior's from Hell story revolves around a magical stone that has been split into pieces. The person who brings the pieces together to form the complete stone will inherit very powerful magical powers.

The story begins at a festival. A young woman, Carrisa, seeks the wizard Nicias about information regarding half of the stone she has in her possession. An evil ruler, Troxartas, has the other half of the stone. His band of men invade the festival seeking the wizard as well, because they believe Nicias has the stone.

Carrisa escapes with Deathstalker, and Nicias escapes as well. Soon though, Troxartas' men catch up to Deathstalker's camp and manage to kill Carrisa. She gives Deathstalker the stone, and in her last moments charges him with completing her quest of bringing the two stones together.

From here Deathstalker faces many challenges on the way to completing the quest. Through out the quest, Troxartas men are constantly tailing him and there is constant action. He befriends a young lady who only eats potatoes. He even runs into enemies he's killed, who he ends up turning them against their master. Overall the movie follows a fairly played story line, so expect the typical ending. Not that this is bad, just typical.

The story of this movie is OK, however there's a lot of problems with the production. It's just not very well done as a whole. John Nelson who play's Deathstalker, doesn't even resemble all the elements he boasts to be as the character. Aaron Hernan as Nicias does OK as the wizard, and I enjoyed the spinning entry/exit spell. Carla Herd plays the dual role of twin princesses, she's quite attractive and performs her role decently.

The action scenes leave a lot to be desired, they remind of effects from movies made 20+ years before this one. For example, there's very little blood and it's obvious the old sword side stab trick is used throughout the battle scenes. The music is fairly irritating, although less so at times. There seem to be parts where synthesizers were used, and these seem to be the most irritating moments of the soundtrack. 2/10
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