Such a bad movie
16 January 2006
Fardeen Khan's overacting + Koena Mitra's lack of emotion plus the factor that 80% of this movie is based on American movies makes this a very uncomfortable movie to watch. Even in the end when all the twists and turns are untied, the viewer really does not get a good grasp of what they were watching for the past two hours. It is so obvious that Koena Mitra was hired just for her looks. I would not even be surprised to hear that the producers hired her even before they heared her talk. Her monotonous voice made me physically ill whenever she was talking. From start to finish, she has the same tone of voice, no change or variation. What the hell did the producers think, throw in a couple of middle aged man, dress them up so that they look hip. Give them KOOOL hair cuts and throw in a beautiful girl just to get the sex appeal, not considering if she can act or not, mix this all together with some techno music and, you'll have a hit?????? This movie should have been never created.
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