Since no one else has commented, I guess I will!
29 January 2006
This short piece is included with the DVD for Danger:Diabolik and it does a nice job of setting the stage for the film--especially since he is a character from Italian comic books and probably unknown to most viewers. There are interviews with John Phillip Law (who played "Diabolik") as well as others and the film especially does a good job of explaining the director's efforts to create a unique look (such as how he framed the shots and how the camera was not static like it was on other contemporary comic movies). All in all, a very enjoyable view BUT way too short. I loved the movie and wanted to know more. Oh and by the way, the short makes mention of a song by The Beastie Boys that utilizes footage from the movie. This video is also included on the DVD BUT it's one of the least interesting and repetitive songs I have heard from them.
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