Demolition University (1997 Video)
You'll learn so much, your brain will split at its seams.
6 February 2006
Demolition University is one of those films that is so close to the facts that you feel like you're being given a counter-terrorism lecture. Here are some of the facts covered in the film:

  • Nerve gas that could kill the whole world is protected by a handful of poorly armed men, one of whom is considered to be an extreme megalomaniac psychopath.

  • Universities have bright yellow school buses, which they take to Physics field trips.

  • Universities have organised dances, and taking the cutest girl in your class is the most important thing.

  • That nerve gas multiplies infinitely when put in water. Stuff like this exists, apparently.

  • When a building has a self-destruct option, it means "set off cheap explosives and fires outside the building". The director will pan up in an attempt to disguise the fact that the building was not touched.

  • Terrorists drive a motor-home, and an old one at that. Let's call it the Terrormobile.

  • Six terrorists is about the right number to secure a number of hostages and a water treatment plant.

  • When you shoot someone in the head, and they have a hardhat on, the hardhat goes flying about 15 feet, then spins for about 20 seconds.

  • Terrorists cannot shoot. At all. They probably couldn't hit the Terrormobile from 50 feet. Then again, the US military can't shoot straight either.

  • The temperature of something in the water treatment plant will go from 100 to 300 in two seconds, but will stick at 300 for about 25 minutes. Without going any higher. Then it will magically jump up to 400 in another two second patch.

  • When bullets hit the side of a van, they just disintegrate into sparks. Without leaving a mark.

  • Armed terrorists following orders to kill someone would rather chase someone than shoot them, even if they're only 15 feet behind them. Then again, judging by how poor they are at shooting, it's not overly surprising they'd rather run after them.

  • Psychological profiles contain every single piece of information on the person imaginable, except information that might actually be required/useful.

  • The US gives in to terrorist demands.

  • A quarterback who can't throw straight gets his hands on a beaker of nerve gas. He'll throw it inside a water treatment plant - despite pipes and machines being everywhere - on the off chance that a guy who can't catch a football will safely catch a delicate glass beaker.

  • Telling a girl that she "can make it" means she'll run faster than ever before.

  • AK-47s are never used as automatic weapons. Ever.
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