The Hamburg Cell (2004 TV Movie)
Religiously Mislead
7 February 2006
I just taped this off HBO this morning and watched it later on tonight.Reading the TV Guide synopsis it suggested like a previous poster stated that some would find the film objectionable because of how the terrorist were portrayed.

No they were not given to us as some evil monsters as most would choose to believe.I'm glad instead we got to see who and what they really were.A group of men who looked upon the decadence and vast moral decline of this modern world as a direct influence of the United States upon other nations.

Their Muslim beliefs,as they interpreted it led them to singling out America for the devastating attack Sep 11,2001.Religious beliefs have been taken this far before in the past resulting in unforgivable atrocities done to the innocent.

One would just wonder whatever religious belief a person might have,wouldn't a true God fearing heart question even the thought of committing such acts?Looking at their views on the subject and my being a Christian I find it quite absurd that they would imagine any rewards awaiting them in the afterlife.Come on now,upon their death they will be greeted by a number of beautiful virgin women?An intelligent mind would or should ask itself "Is this really how my God works"? They might say well yes we are fighting our enemy and we kill innocent people just like the American soldiers.Soldiers who believe they are fighting a war condoned by God too.They feel their acts are honorable just as our boys feel their military duty is honorable.

Well this is what this film shows us.I think is is necessary for us to see their real mental frame of mind.I know they and others following those beliefs are truly mislead.Many thanks to HBO and contributors across the Atlantic for this interesting look at the factual story that led to the Sep 11 disaster.
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