It just ain't the first one
23 February 2006
The first Ace Ventura is a great milestone in American Cinima History. Not because it was a classic movie but it introduced Americans to Jim Carrey. Watching Jim's Crazy antics in Pet Detective I decided that I would watch everything that he is ever in. Oh how I regretted that as I watched When Nature Calls. Jim does his best to make the movie funny and he almost succeeded. He uses his rubber face at comic timing to the full extent and almost pulls off another cute, silly, fun movie. But the script seems to be working against Jim throughout the entire movie. Ace was such a funny character in the first movie because he was so out of place living in the city. But this new movie puts Ace in the jungle right where he belongs. Ace looks more in place picking nits off of monkeys that he ever did driving a car. Ace does everything you would expect from the first one but this time there is nobody standing in the background looking appalled. Courteney Cox, who was very funny at trying to get Ace to act human has been replaced by an African Princess who seems to accept Ace for who he is. That is not to say that the film doesn't have its moments. The temple stairs and the Slinky scene is still one of Jim Carrey's better scenes from all of his movies. But, alas these scenes are to few and far apart to make this movie worthy of it's predecessor.
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