Quality? no. Laughs? lots :)
12 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I know, I know... this movie is not a quality production. You can say it's bad as hell. My friends look at me differently when i say i've seen this movie... and it liked me. But it's a comedy; its purpose is to make you laugh. And you DO. So i give it a 5.

The movie is an "alternate" vision of the Cid Campeador life. He was a real historic man who conquered Valencia for its King. Then, in a battle defending city against moors, he died. The legend says he came back from the death to win another battle. This film is based in all of that, but... well, lets say that the goofs section should be full of anachronisms.

My favorite cut: (ATTENTION: SPOILER) Valencia (the city being defended) has a soccer team. Its traditional competitor is the Barcelona F.C., aka Barça. Of course, soccer wasn't invented until some hundreds years after the battle for Valencia. Here you have the city of Valencia surrounded by the ones who want to conquer it... and they are claiming "Barça, Barça, Barça!!".

Other "great" things: the US army, the camcorder, the gunshot sounds when swords fight, the electronic door entry system, and, of course, the Cid's suite: it's like the one from Superman, but with a big C in its chest, instead of the big S.

A detail for non Spanish spoking people: Cid Campeador was the nickname for Rodrigo Diaz De Vivar. "Cid" came from the Arabic "Sidi", equivalent to "My lord". "Campeador" came from "Campidoctor", title obtained in combat. "Cabreador" is a word-game... it doesn't exists as a Spanish word, but it would mean something like "the one who makes other people to be angry".

Well, thats all... if you have something better to do, don't see the movie... but if you want easy laughs (somewhat ancient), see it.
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