Robert Wise scores again
16 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The House on Telegraph Hill is a wonderfully entertaining thriller dealing with a woman living under an assumed identity and the child she claims as her own. The movie may be part of Fox's Film Noir Collection, but it's really more of a Hitchcock "woman-in-peril" type film. The movie may seem unusual when seen today with the modern emphasis on the plot twist. Throughout most of the film, I kept waiting for the inevitable twist that never materialized. The lack of a twist each time I thought I saw one coming was, in its own way, the best twist of all. The House on Telegraph Hill is deliberately paced and shot beautifully by Robert Wise. Some of the interior scenes, especially those in the hallway of the old house, look as good as you'll see. The acting is great with the relative unknown (at least unknown to me) Valentina Cortese giving a real standout performance. She has an undeniable screen presence and the ability to draw a viewer in. I really felt for her character's situation throughout the movie. The ending of the film is very nicely done and had me on the edge of my seat. As I was waiting for a twist, I was completely surprised by the final act. The drama and suspense are almost palatable throughout the film's finale. Overall, The House on Telegraph Hill is a very nice, under-seen film.
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