A Classic
26 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
From Amazon

Fred and the gang have more than the usual festive preparations up their prehistoric sleeves, however, as they are staging a production of "The Christmas Carol" with Fred in the role of Scrooge. Things take a frightening turn when--in the classic tradition of method acting--Fred takes his role to heart and becomes a bit humbuggish himself. So preoccupied with his role is he, that he forgets to pick up Pebbles from day care, leaves Christmas shopping off his list of things to do, and belittles the parts played by his friends (such as Barney as Bob Cratchit). When the Bedrock bug (a flu virus) begins to fell cast members, it provides the ideal opportunity for costume maker and stage manager Wilma to take on understudy duties and scare some sense into her self-absorbed husband. And just in time for Christmas Eve.

From Me This Christmas Special is a Classic, I have been watching it every Christmas since it came out and it still touches me. This even inspired me to create a production of a Christmas Carol, which from hundreds of people I was praised with two thumbs up. You definitely need to catch this, a great special from the modern StoneAge Family.
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