Review of Halo 2

Halo 2 (2004 Video Game)
Quite possibly the worst FPS to have taken so much time to make.
26 March 2006
Take this into consideration: Halo 1 was a unique experience with an atmosphere unlike any game ever. It spanned huge environments with huge wars and intense free-thinking game play. The plot was movie quality, and the graphics were top-notch. It was full of mystery and

Halo 2 is an average FPS with average FPS guns and average FPS game play. It has puny battles on long (but not big) maps. The scenery is nice, but you don't get to travel it like in Halo. Then you hit the second quarter of the game, and you begin re-playing Halo with more guns and less freedom. The new additions to the game alter it so it becomes less of a struggle for survival and more of a run-and-gun Rambo-style mess of a game. Honestly, if this is the best game ever then gaming has lowered itself from imersive long well-written games to cheesy explosion-filled stereotypical high budget action movie rip-offs.

I got confused after playing Halo 2 and comparing it to Halo 1 (to see if it lived up as a good sequel), because it all didn't add up. It took them 3 years to write a plot that was pretty much "Good fights evil and wins... WITH A CLIFFHANGER YOU'LL NEVER SEE COMING that's pretty much just the evil getting away". It was pathetically simple, and everyone I talked to agreed we could have all written a better plot on our owns (and we did). So I looked into it. Turns out the original writer for Halo quit when Microsoft took over and started changing things, so then Microsoft hired a writer. All that writer had to do was write a plot that went nowhere and left the game open for another sequel and they were set up for more money than any game series has ever made ever. So looking at this game from a technical POV, this was a money grab, and man did it work. But I guess if you compare the game to a game like... Shadow Ops, it looks better.
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