Beyond Honor (2004)
Excellent. Intelligent, emotionally charged, and brave.
10 April 2006
It is amazing to see the ignorance that surrounds the people of America. The world starts and ends with what we would like to believe. Bad only happens in far away lands; how can evil lurk amidst "us" - the land of civilized? The ignorance shown by the man who has posted the earlier column is resonant with the utter nonsense doled out to us by the media, academicians, and western feminists (the kid should spend more time watching slasher films instead of brave, intelligent and emotionally charged films like Beyond Honor).

Bill Maher gets it right when he says that Americans have lost or are losing their edge in innovation in the world. The main reason is not just our ignorance but arrogance too.

Beyond Honor filmmakers are in touch with the real world. The real world where children are sold off into slavery and women are punished for being women. Go to parts of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Middle East and then you will be puking your guts out when you see how women are treated – like animals. We can only look down upon the rest of the world as barbaric. What about our history? It was not too long ago that whites were lynching blacks, just for being black. Beyond Honor depicts the stark reality of humans at their worst. How else can you explain the genocide of 6 million Jews just for following their faith? The film has stayed with me all these days since I saw it in West Hills. It still makes my heart hurt, just like it did when I was a volunteer physician in Africa a decade ago. I have in my various travels around the world met people that you see in this film. This film is not just about some far away tribe in some other world. Beyond Honor analyzes concepts of honor that we would never even start to comprehend in our western minds.

A brave and daring endeavor by the filmmakers, who are able to address culture clash as never been depicted before. Kudos!
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