Review of 3

The X-Files: 3 (1994)
Season 2, Episode 7
Well, not if drawstring pants come back into style.
20 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
3 is the much despised "tweener" episode that falls between the Scully abduction and recovery episodes. I think 3 is still a decent episode, however.

I like the idea of Mulder trying to lose himself in his work. There's nothing he can do about Scully right now, so he has no other choice but to work. There's a parallel made between Mulder and the vampires. Vampires traditionally sleep during the day, meaning they're awake at night. Mulder comments that he doesn't sleep anymore, meaning he is awake at night, just like the vampires.

3 is not just the traditional vampire story of a vampire biting beautiful virgins' necks. A history is established as them being some sort of unholy trinity. I find this different aspect quite interesting. However, John, the Son, says that he can't be seen in a mirror although he says it as Mulder is viewing John's reflection in the mirror. Also, Kristen doesn't have any mirrors in her house. I'm not sure what the writers were driving at with that. I think it would have been better to skip the "vampires don't like mirrors" aspect of their mythology and just leave it that they receive immortality from drinking human blood and that they have an aversion to light.

An odd, rhythmic tone plays during the exam of the Son's body. I just found it to be an interesting choice of music.

Mulder has a very weird first encounter with Kristen. It's almost as if she were expecting him and it seems as if they are speaking passwords to each other. I like the mysteriousness that surrounds Kristen. It makes her character very interesting.

It's too bad Mulder was willing to get it on with Kristin so soon after losing Scully. I guess depressed people will sometimes do things they normally wouldn't do. Coincidentally, after Mulder gets it on with Kristen, he does sleep, which earlier he said he wasn't doing anymore.

I do like the twist towards the end involving Kristin and the Unholy Trinity. It surprised me. The extreme criticism toward this episode is undeserved, probably stemming from Scully being absent and Mulder being amorous with another woman. 3 is still a good episode that highlights the loneliness that consumes Mulder while Scully is missing.
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