THE OPPONENT (Sergio Martino, 1987) **
28 April 2006
This late (and below-average) addition to the "Rocky" type of films has banal dialogue to spare, along with one of the cheesiest soundtracks of the era! Furthermore, it doesn't take much advantage of its star names (both of whom were past their prime by a good number of years!): Giuliano Gemma as the villain of the piece is visibly bored, while Ernest Borgnine is given the thankless role of the belligerent father of the boxer hero's girlfriend - who becomes his manager (Burgess Meredith-style) at the 11th hour! Daniel Greene's acting is no better than in HANDS OF STEEL (1986) and Mary Stavin (of TOP LINE [1988]) is unintentionally hilarious as Gemma's alcoholic moll: a dreadful chanteuse, she's also something of a nymphomaniac who wastes no time in seducing Greene, her boss' new protégé; their subsequent relationship leads to the boxer's downfall, though she later comes to his aid against Gemma and his gang of hoodlums! The boxing sequences aren't terribly exciting, either; in fact, I'd say that this was one of the least compelling - and most clichéd - films on this form of sport I've ever watched!
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