Suspend disbelief and enter this world
29 April 2006
This is a good film, sprung out of Hollywood's "Golden Era" (mucch like Sunset Boulevard). Bette Davis plays a former vaudeville star, who is no longer the starlet she was; Joan Crawford is the crippled former adult star.

In many ways, one has to suspend disbelief here -- the script, the story line teeter on the melodramatic, on being over the top. Be willing to believe that Joan Crawford (Blanche) cannot escape Bette Davis (Baby Jane). This is central to being caught up in the film!

Both actresses give excellent performances. Bette Davis, in Oscar-nominated turn, plays Jane as a bitchy, insecure former star, whose costumes replicate her childhood image. It's a brilliant performance! But it is offset by Joan Crawford, who contrasts so well with the Bette Davis character. Her performance, in my opinion, is gold! It's not over the top (or as appealing ?) as that given by Bette davis, but it works!

Her Blanche is long-suffering and understated, and generates audience sympathy. The two women create a chemistry which sparks and sparkles on the screen. It's a classic, which deserves to be seen.

A good film.
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