Not Impressed
1 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I was not impressed. I was expecting a movie that could chill me to the bone. It was probably that I went to see the movie with big expectations.

When a horror movie is made, it needs (a) good story (b) good atmosphere (c) good direction (d) good acting.

What this movie lacked was on the story front.

I am impressed with RamGopal Verma's filming style. He managed to get 7 different directors for the 7 stories. Yes, there are 7 stories - apart from the six stories being told there is a story which revolves around the story teller.

The actors did their job well, they performed to their best ability (yes, Mallika Sherawat has acted for a change) and credit needs to be given to them and the directors.

This movie could not scare me, but again I did not come out looking for the producer and asking for refund of my money (refer to the 1st story of the man who went to see Darna Mana Hai and walked through a graveyard).

I have posted my comments on my blog site (http://babu-roys.blogspot.com/2006/04/you-need-to-get-scared.html) also.

I would not want to see the movie again, but I will not rate it as bad.
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