Review of Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs (1991–1994)
Really well done spoof of modern America!!!
3 May 2006
stars: Stuart Pankin as Earl Sneed Sinclair. Jessica Walter as Fran Sinclair. Jason Willinger as Robert Mark Sinclair. Kevin Clash as Baby Sinclair and Howard Handupme. Sally Struthers as Charlene Sinclair. Florence Stanley as Ethyl Phillips. Sam McMurray as Roy Hess and Mr. Lizard. Sherman Hemsley as BP Richfield. Suzie Plakson as Monica Divertibrae. (episode 14 plus) Chris Meloni as Spike (1991-1992) Jason Alexander as "Sexual" Harris, Gus Molehill, Job Wizard, Grown up Baby and various others. Michael McKean as Various. Tim Curry as Various. Brian Henson as Arthur Rizzic, fridge food and others. With Performers: Steve Whittemire, Dave Goelz and Bill Barretta.

Based on an idea by the late, but great Jim Henson, Dinosaurs is about Megalasaurus Earl Sinclair, who is your average dumb father. We have his slightly overbearing wife Fran, his baby who craves attention, his teenage son robbie and his unpopular but trying daughter Charlene. The show brings dinosaurs to life through animatronic puppeteering through facial movements, which looks great and really cool sets. The show kind of turns actual situations into dinosaur situations, like Charlene wanting to grow a tail because her friends have them and the boys will like her, or dirty politics (most plots containing Earl's boss). It actually shows how ignorant man can be. earl is a tree pusher, and pushes down trees for no reason. The dinosaurs eat anything smaller than them because they're big. It has clever dialogue that helps it along too. Other than the family, we also have Ethyl Phillips, who is Fran's paraplegic mother who hates Earl. There's Roy, Earl's bud at work. There's his evil Triceratops boss Mr. Richfield and Fran's long necked, four legged friend who just sticks her neck in because she has no hands. I totally recommend this show, and I hope you enjoy it!

My rating: 4/4. TV rating can differ, can contain some sexual candor or mild language. TVPG.
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