Review of Kelly

Kelly (1981)
I disagree about KELLY
5 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Your comment that KELLY was as dull and predictable as an episode of DANGER BAY borders on mean-hearted slander, especially since I worked on DANGER BAY!!! While this film is fairly typical of after-school specials, especially Canadian ones KELLY contains quite a number of amusing twists that raise it above the run-of-the-mill where you have so wrongly placed it, my friend. Since I'm a screenwriter, yes I can predict most plots well ahead of any twists, but that is something I've learned to live with, since it forces me to concentrate on the performances and hope for some manner of innovation somewhere in the plot.

Well, KELLY delivered that, in spades! The performance of Twyla Dawn Vokins (where is she now, I wonder?) was at least as good as the role warranted, and often better and reminded me of Kristy McNicoll or even a young Jodie Foster. This girl had more acting chops that most other eleven or twelve year old actors than I have seen in any of the dozen or so films I've worked on with a youthful cast. Most of them seem to have no idea how to carry a lead. If Twyla had kept at it, she could well have made the transition from child star to adult actor. Too bad.

Yes, it is a tad predictable, but films for children have to be, and the directors were especially guilty of underestimating the intelligence of their audience back in the day. But the twists and turns of this tale manage to salvage an often somewhat hammy script and Kelly's character arc and development are nicely paced, even by today's standards.

SPOILER ALERT!!! When the nasty evil trapper BEACHUM kidnaps Kelly to get his revenge on Kelly's dad, his ultimate fate (being dumped on the Siberian shoreline in a coffin, to be discovered by a Russian patrol!) was quite amusing and very satisfying.

Yes, Beachum was a little unmotivated and somewhat cardboard, but some of the ancillary roles were superbly written and quite well-acted especially KLUTE the native guide and BROTHER ROBIN, a Trappist monk with a Saint Francis quality--I almost expected the guy to walk on water! So I have to strongly disagree. This film held my attention, and I'll be fifty next month. I'm also not easily surprised. See this film with your children. I think most people would agree with my assessment.
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