Review of Emissary

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Emissary (1993)
Season 1, Episode 1
Deep Space Nine's intro continued.
7 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
ST:DS9:02 - "Emissary, Part II" (Stardate: 46392.7) - this is part 2 of the 2-part pilot episode of "Deep Space Nine", the 3rd new series in the world of Star Trek.

Commander Sisko is offered the command of the remote station Deep Space Nine, which is situated on the edge of Federation space, a station that only until recently belonged to the Cardassians. The station also orbits planet Bajor, a planet that has just gained independence from the aforementioned Cardassians. The Bajorans, as a Federation protectorate, allows the Federation to control the station, though they have their officers there (including the hot-tempered Major Kira Nerys). Also along for the ride are Dr. Bashir, the shape-shifting Constable Odo, the sneaky Ferengi Quark (who owns a bar on the station), the Trill Jadzia Dax (who knows Sisko from a previous body the Trill inhabited), and the newly promoted Chief O'Brien (from the TNG Enterprise) and his family.

While Sikso and crew must bring the station up to speck, they start investigating an anomaly - one that will have far repercussions for this sector of the galaxy (including with the Cardassians - in the form of Gul Dukat). At the same time, Sisko must deal with his own nemesis, that of Picard (whom he associates with the death of his wife in the battle with the Borg 3 years before) who comes to the station. Sisko must also decide whether to stay as Commander of Deep Space Nine.

A worthy introduction to a new (and darker) Star Trek world.
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