Review of Tangier

Tangier (2006)
Peeters saves the day, again.
11 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
De Hel van Tanger is already the third movie of the six originally made for TV movies to get a big screen release, after Verlengd Weekend and Dennis van Rita. Taken into account that wasn't supposed to play in theaters, it delivers quite well. The story is rather cliché, as are most of the characters, mainly the "evil" ones. What makes the whole sit-in worth is Filip Peeters' excellent performance as the unfortunate bus driver Marcel Van Loock. Yes, he went through great physical lengths to depict the downfall of a lively jolly middle-aged man, hats off. But when you see the startling gaze in his eyes when he hears the conviction, like saying "Come on, guys, you got to be kidding me?", you really hope he makes it back in one piece. When he eventually does and takes his grandson on his lap, I felt actual warmth for the guy. Doesn't happen often. Nice one, Filip.
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