Sixty Minute Man (2006 TV Movie)
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13 May 2006
My roommate got a call from some market research company and they had him watch this show on an odd cable channel (one reserved for this type of thing, I assume) and then called him to ask him what he thought. I was home, so I watched it, too.

It started off slow and kind of weird but as they show progressed, it became more and more interesting and by the end, I was hooked. I wish they had asked me my opinions because I really liked it. My roommate, however, is not into shows of this nature. He doesn't like his brain to be taxed by plot twists and suspense. Conversely, I thrive on that.

I really hope this show gets picked up for the season, because it looks really promising. I won't give away details, but let's just say that if you like suspense, you'll like this.
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