Review of Adam & Evil

Adam & Evil (2004)
Do you have any idea of what it feels like to be treated like a piece of Grabage!
24 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
(There may be Spoilers) One of the many Friday the 13th/Halloween-type imitations that in this movie "Adam & Evil" takes place in the great outdoors at the heavily wooded Nede Campgrounds. We at first get this story about a fire started by young Adam that was set on the 4th of July four years ago that ended up killing the Kehoes family. Adam never fully recovered for the Kehoes' deaths and we soon learn that neither did the unseen and unknown killer who is very soon to make his, or her, grand and deadly appearance in the film.

Very high body-count, well over a dozen, even for a slasher movie together with the usual, in slasher movies, paper thin story-line. The killer stalk this group of collage students going out to the country for a weekend of fun and games but ending up dead or traumatized by the time their vacation was over.

The killer's first victim is Seth who, lying blissfully in his tent, expected to get into some hot and heavy action with the girl of his dreams Yvonne but only got his throat slashed by the killer. Catching both Rob & Rachael alone on a raft in the river the killer runs them through with a cross-bow and before anyone realizes that there's something wrong. The killer has already set a number of traps all along the campsite that does in almost the entire student body.

It seems obvious at first to both the campers and audience that Shane, a former boyfriend of one of the campers Evelyn, together with his friend Billy who are seen secretly following the students all throughout the movie are somehow responsible in these brutal murders. Like in all these kind of who done it slasher films you soon realize that both Shane & Billy are merely red herrings thrown into the mix, or the script, by the writer and director of the movie just to throw us off the track. Billy is later found murdered and Shane is run over by Adam who together with Matt Yvette & Evelyn, the last four survivors out of the eight students on the camping trip, run him down with their van.

You would have thought that the killings would end with both Shane and Billy put out of action but they still continue with local Sheriff Earl, who took the remaining students into the safety of his home, and his wife Maureen getting murdered. Matt then ends up shot to death by the shadowy psycho to where we finally get to see who he really is that has to be the biggest highlight and surprise in the movie.

Half-way decent slasher movie with a surprising and unexpected conclusion that didn't at all come across as the usual cop-out ending that you see in most of theses kind of horror flicks. It did make sense, if you connected it with what you saw at the beginning of the movie, even though it did somewhat stretch you imagination and sense of reality a bit.
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