"Did IQ's just drop sharply while I was away?"
15 June 2006
For those of you who have a few kind words for this film, I suspect you didn't see it when it was released as "Parts: The Clonus Horror."

It was a dreadfully boring movie. It missed the mark in at least three ways. It wasn't good enough to be scary; it wasn't bad enough to be funny (although MST3K took care of that); and, even in 1979, the plot was unoriginal.

Earlier contenders are "The Resurrection of Zachary Wheeler" (1971). It's the same idea (clones as spare parts). The movie is entertaining, and it had a fine cast. Another is "Sleeper" (1973). Yes, the Woody Allen movie. Remember the flattened nose? And "Clones" (1973). The last two plots aren't as similar to Clonus as the first one, but they predate Clonus.

They are also several fiction books from decades earlier that deal with the idea, although often, the word "clone" isn't used.
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