School of Life (2005 TV Movie)
After-School Average aka School Sucks
15 June 2006
Sheesh! What a pile! I cant even fathom how some commentators are giving this 'film' full marks. Cutesy, schmaltzy rubbish. Admittedly Ryan Reynolds has been OK in the past with a kind of teen-movie physical comedy, but this drivel (seemingly an attempt at a serious role) leaves me wondering how people get the funds to make these type of films. Textbook crap on a stick. Go and watch Stand & Deliver. There's some crap with a bit of grit at least. My lord, this is awful. It's like a Frankenstein's monster of the worst 'unconventional teacher turns school system on its head' films (of which there are many.) You can almost hear the pages of the scriptwriting manuals turning and the yawns of the extras. The kids are talentless and unlikeable and I found myself not really caring how it turned out. And for those who disagree with my statements about the clichéd nature of this...thing, about 1 hour and 45 minutes in when he walks through the door of the gym in a shaft of white light? Come on! A joke. The money was better spent on cocaine. I'd rather watch 'Female Trouble' again.
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