Unintentionally funny 70's
19 June 2006
It is awful, I agree, although arguably it does (sort of) come together near the end of the flick. The Track of the Moonbeast was an inclusion on a DVD trilogy I ordered for the movie Snowbeast, starring Bo Svenson, that's how I ran across it. What an unexpected bonus Moonbeast turned out to be! Assuming, of course that you are into making fun of the 70's. The movie plays like an episode of Barnaby Jones, with elements of the Brady Bunch and Chips and Star Trek and the Incredible Hulk mixed in. The girl is pretty hot, too, in a definite amateur way. The script is poor and forced, and the characters are highly cartoonesque. I love the scene where the Indian professor and the police chief investigate the scene of our first Moonbeast victim. Pure 70's, baby! Great fun! Enjoy!
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